About Us

At Dhwani, we believe technology can be a game-changer for social impact. That's why we're dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that address the unique challenges of the development sector. 

Our Story: Harnessing Technology for Social Good

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Dhwani RIS's journey began in 2012, fueled by a passion for leveraging technology to drive social change. It all started during an internship at the Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), where our founders, Sunandan Madan and Swapnil Agarwal, worked closely with rural NGOs and grassroots organizations. They quickly recognized a significant gap—many of these organizations struggled to integrate technology into their work.

This realization became a mission. They saw the need for a unique approach—one that combined a deep understanding of both technology and the development sector. A one-size-fits-all solution wouldn't work; each organization faced unique challenges. So, they set out to create tailored, context-specific tech solutions to empower these groups, bridging the gap between technology and social impact. This vision became the foundation of Dhwani RIS, where we continue to innovate and drive change.

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Three - Step Process
At Dhwani RIS, we believe that technology should simplify processes and amplify impact. Our approach revolves around understanding your organization's needs, designing the right solutions, and supporting you every step of the way.

Core Values

Social Change

Process oriented



User oriented

“Let the words that you speak, the actions that you take and the work that you do define you. At Dhwani RIS, the dedication towards serving our purpose speaks for itself.”

- Sunandan Madan
“At Dhwani RIS, the force that binds us together is our collective purpose towards technology for social good. Social good is our goal, and technology supports our journey towards the goal.”

- Swapnil Agarwal

Meet Our Team